Benefits of having a live video feed from your construction Time Lapse Camera.

A major benefit of our construction time lapse camera rental is the access to live video feed at any time of the day using our online image portal. Construction sites are busy and complex places, with many different activities happening at once. This can make it difficult for site managers to keep track of everything that is going on. Time lapse cameras allow for documentation of the construction process as well as providing a live video feed that can be accessed remotely. These features, along with many others, have shown to be useful for site managers in keeping tabs on their various construction sites.

A major benefit of our time lapse cameras are that you can access a live video feed at any time of the day using our online image portal. This feature allows you to identify any unsafe work practices, such as employees failing to adhere to safety protocols. The live video feed function allows you to take corrective action in the moment and further facilitate a safety- conscientious culture at your construction sites. Accidents and incident happen, but too often than not there are precursors that lead up to such events that could have been identified. Our live video feed allows you or your safety officer(s) to check in on your construction sites remotely and intermittently to identify any potential precursors that are likely to lead to an accident.

Additionally, communication and collaboration on your construction project can be improved via our live video feeds. Too often in any industry is there a disconnect between the ‘work that is imaged’ by managers and the ‘work that is done’ by actual workers on site. Reducing this disconnect can help in managing expectations for all parties involved and potentially reduce any frustrations that may arise from either party regarding how work is being carried out on site. By accessing your cameras live video feed, you can regularly check in on your construction sites remotely and visually see if the ‘work that is being done’ matches your expectations.

Identifying delays.
Delays and issues are inevitable in the construction industry, however with our live video feeds site managers, project managers, and other stakeholders can regularly, and remotely, access your cameras to work and resolve any delays or issues that are currently occurring at your construction site. The ability for multiple parties, who share a vested interest in the project, to access a live video feed means that if, and when, issues do arise all parties involved can promptly resolve the issue together. This can aid in reducing the cost of a delay and improve overall project efficiency.

Live video feeds can significantly improve site security. By remotely accessing the video feed, site managers can keep an eye on their sites at all times and monitor any suspicious activity. This feature may help reduce thefts, vandalism, and other security issues that can cause delays and financial loss for your company.

Overall, there are many benefits to having a live video feed function available with your time lapse camera. From improving safety and security, to enhancing communication and collaboration, our time lapse cameras and the features that are offered via our online image portal can help you streamline your construction process and ensure that your projects are completed on time.

For all your time lapse needs, including time lapse camera hire and expert support, contact Construction Time Lapse Specialists and let us know how we can help you!